Commit a19cc0a3 authored by Zach Yam's avatar Zach Yam
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Add metrics info to FAQ

parent 4e0d5c1c
master Raffo-patch-1 add-infoblox-maintainers bugfix/style-faq changelog-for-v0.7.3 correctly-update-aws-records-when-type-changes dansimone/support-prefer-ingress-annotations dependabot/go_modules/ dependabot/go_modules/ dependabot/go_modules/ dependabot/go_modules/ dependabot/go_modules/ fix-1820 gh-pages go-1.12.7 incubator-kep infoblox-multiple-A-records-fix labeler linki-patch-2 linki-patch-3 linki-patch-4 linki-patch-6 njuettner-patch-1 njuettner/go_modules/ njuettner/go_modules/ njuettner/go_modules/ njuettner/go_modules/ njuettner/go_modules/ normalize pagination-cloudflare-zones pagination-cloudflare-zones-patch provider-specific provider-specific2 raffo-fix-2348 raffo/add-dependabot raffo/add-kustomize-base raffo/add-trivy-scanning raffo/arm raffo/arm32v7 raffo/bump-ci-timeout raffo/bump-cloudbuild-timeout raffo/bump-deps-sec raffo/bump-kustomize raffo/bump-kustomize-1 raffo/bump-kustomize-version-0.7.5 raffo/bump-modules raffo/codeQL raffo/drop-the-changelog raffo/e2e-aws raffo/edit-infoblox-maintainers raffo/fix-1820 raffo/fix-1936 raffo/fix-build raffo/fix-dependabot raffo/fix-ns-deletion raffo/fix-scaleway-security raffo/fix-that-typo raffo/fix-trivy raffo/fix-trivy-again raffo/fix-vulnerabilities raffo/goarm raffo/gpr-docker-image raffo/knolog raffo/kustomize-endpoints raffo/multiarch raffo/multiarch-docs raffo/new-ingress-resource raffo/new-maintainers raffo/provider-structure-refactor raffo/release-conventions raffo/release-note-patch raffo/release-script raffo/release-script-update raffo/release-v0.7.2 raffo/remove-azure-test raffo/remove-broken-link raffo/remove-incubator-readme raffo/remove-masters raffo/revert-tzdata raffo/split-sources raffo/update-kustomize-080 raffo/update-v0.10-role raffo/use-actions raffo/v0.7.6 ratelimit revert-963-ns1-provider-ammended sagor999/infoblox-multiple-A-records stability-matrix test-things travis-test update-changelog v0.5.15 v0.5.17 validate-txt-prefix v1.0.0-mf v0.10.2 v0.10.1 v0.10.0 v0.9.0 v0.8.0 v0.7.6 v0.7.5 v0.7.4 v0.7.3 v0.7.2 v0.7.1 v0.7.0 v0.6.0 v0.5.18 v0.5.17 v0.5.16 v0.5.15 v0.5.14 v0.5.13 v0.5.12 v0.5.11 v0.5.10 external-dns-helm-chart-1.7.1 external-dns-helm-chart-1.7.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.6.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.5.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.4.1 external-dns-helm-chart-1.4.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.3.2 external-dns-helm-chart-1.3.1 external-dns-helm-chart-1.3.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.2.0
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+13 -1
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ExternalDNS can solve this for you as well.
### Which DNS providers are supported?
Currently, the following providers are supported:
Currently, the following providers are supported:
- Google CloudDNS
- AWS Route 53
......@@ -155,6 +155,18 @@ CNAMEs cannot co-exist with other records, therefore you can use the `--txt-pref
You need to add either or on your instance group's scope.
### What metrics can I get from ExternalDNS and what do they mean?
ExternalDNS exposes 2 types of metrics: Sources and Registry errors.
`Source`s are mostly Kubernetes API objects. Examples of `source` errors may be connection errors to the Kubernetes API server itself or missing RBAC permissions. It can also stem from incompatible configuration in the objects itself like invalid characters, processing a broken fqdnTemplate etc.
`Registry` errors are mostly Provider errors, unless there's some coding flaw in the registry package. Provider errors often arise due to accessing their APIs due to network or missing cloud-provider permissions when reading records. When applying a changeset, errors arise when the changeset applied is incompatible with the current state, in which case ExternalDNS can get stuck forever.
In case of an increased error count, you could correlate them with the `http_request_duration_seconds{handler="instrumented_http"}` metric which should show increased numbers for status codes 4xx (permissions, configuration, invalid changeset) or 5xx (apiserver down).
You can use the host label in the metric to figure out if the request was against the Kubernetes API server (Source errors) or the DNS provider API (Registry/Provider errors).
### How can I run ExternalDNS under a specific GCP Service Account, e.g. to access DNS records in other projects?
Have a look at
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