Unverified Commit 9cf3d490 authored by Kubernetes Prow Robot's avatar Kubernetes Prow Robot Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #2400 from miheer/add-router-field-for-ocpRouteSource

Fix CNAME record when multiple router canonical name are defined in Route Status.
Showing with 204 additions and 18 deletions
+204 -18
......@@ -2,6 +2,60 @@
This tutorial describes how to configure ExternalDNS to use the OpenShift Route source.
It is meant to supplement the other provider-specific setup tutorials.
### For OCP 4.x
In OCP 4.x, if you have multiple ingress controllers then you must specify an ingress controller name or a router name(you can get it from the route's Status.Ingress.RouterName field).
If you don't specify an ingress controller's or router name when you have multiple ingresscontrollers in your environment then the route gets populated with multiple entries of router canonical hostnames which causes external dns to create a CNAME record with multiple router canonical hostnames pointing to the route host which is a violation of RFC 1912 and is not allowed by Cloud Providers which leads to failure of record creation.
Once you specify the ingresscontroller or router name then that will be matched by the external-dns and the router canonical hostname corresponding to this routerName(which is present in route's Status.Ingress.RouterName field) is selected and a CNAME record of this route host pointing to this router canonical hostname is created.
Your externaldns CR shall be created as per the following example.
Replace names in the domain section and zone ID as per your environment.
This is example is for AWS environment.
apiVersion: externaldns.olm.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ExternalDNS
name: sample1
- filterType: Include
matchType: Exact
names: apps.miheer.externaldns
type: AWS
hostnameAnnotation: Allow
routerName: default
type: OpenShiftRoute
- Z05387772BD5723IZFRX3
This will create an externaldns pod with the following container args under spec in the external-dns namespace where `- --source=openshift-route` and `- --openshift-router-name=default` is added by the external-dns-operator.
- args:
- --domain-filter=apps.misalunk.externaldns
- --metrics-address=
- --txt-owner-id=external-dns-sample1
- --provider=aws
- --source=openshift-route
- --policy=sync
- --registry=txt
- --log-level=debug
- --zone-id-filter=Z05387772BD5723IZFRX3
- --openshift-router-name=default
- --txt-prefix=external-dns-
### For OCP 3.11 environment
### Prepare ROUTER_CANONICAL_HOSTNAME in default/router deployment
Read and go through [Finding the Host Name of the Router](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.11/install_config/router/default_haproxy_router.html#finding-router-hostname).
If no ROUTER_CANONICAL_HOSTNAME is set, you must annotate each route with external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/target!
......@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ func main() {
SkipperRouteGroupVersion: cfg.SkipperRouteGroupVersion,
RequestTimeout: cfg.RequestTimeout,
DefaultTargets: cfg.DefaultTargets,
OCPRouterName: cfg.OCPRouterName,
// Lookup all the selected sources by names and pass them the desired configuration.
......@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ type Config struct {
GoDaddySecretKey string `secure:"yes"`
GoDaddyTTL int64
GoDaddyOTE bool
OCPRouterName string
var defaultConfig = &Config{
......@@ -361,8 +362,9 @@ func (cfg *Config) ParseFlags(args []string) error {
// Flags related to Skipper RouteGroup
app.Flag("skipper-routegroup-groupversion", "The resource version for skipper routegroup").Default(source.DefaultRoutegroupVersion).StringVar(&cfg.SkipperRouteGroupVersion)
// Flags related to processing sources
// Flags related to processing source
app.Flag("source", "The resource types that are queried for endpoints; specify multiple times for multiple sources (required, options: service, ingress, node, fake, connector, istio-gateway, istio-virtualservice, cloudfoundry, contour-ingressroute, contour-httpproxy, gloo-proxy, crd, empty, skipper-routegroup, openshift-route, ambassador-host, kong-tcpingress)").Required().PlaceHolder("source").EnumsVar(&cfg.Sources, "service", "ingress", "node", "pod", "istio-gateway", "istio-virtualservice", "cloudfoundry", "contour-ingressroute", "contour-httpproxy", "gloo-proxy", "fake", "connector", "crd", "empty", "skipper-routegroup", "openshift-route", "ambassador-host", "kong-tcpingress")
app.Flag("openshift-router-name", "if source is openshift-route then you can pass the ingress controller name. Based on this name external-dns will select the respective router from the route status and map that routerCanonicalHostname to the route host while creating a CNAME record.").StringVar(&cfg.OCPRouterName)
app.Flag("namespace", "Limit sources of endpoints to a specific namespace (default: all namespaces)").Default(defaultConfig.Namespace).StringVar(&cfg.Namespace)
app.Flag("annotation-filter", "Filter sources managed by external-dns via annotation using label selector semantics (default: all sources)").Default(defaultConfig.AnnotationFilter).StringVar(&cfg.AnnotationFilter)
app.Flag("label-filter", "Filter sources managed by external-dns via label selector when listing all resources; currently supported by source types CRD, ingress, service and openshift-route").Default(defaultConfig.LabelFilter).StringVar(&cfg.LabelFilter)
......@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ var (
DigitalOceanAPIPageSize: 50,
ManagedDNSRecordTypes: []string{endpoint.RecordTypeA, endpoint.RecordTypeCNAME},
RFC2136BatchChangeSize: 50,
OCPRouterName: "default",
overriddenConfig = &Config{
......@@ -225,6 +226,7 @@ func TestParseFlags(t *testing.T) {
args: []string{
envVars: map[string]string{},
expected: minimalConfig,
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ type ocpRouteSource struct {
ignoreHostnameAnnotation bool
routeInformer routeInformer.RouteInformer
labelSelector labels.Selector
ocpRouterName string
// NewOcpRouteSource creates a new ocpRouteSource with the given config.
......@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ func NewOcpRouteSource(
combineFQDNAnnotation bool,
ignoreHostnameAnnotation bool,
labelSelector labels.Selector,
ocpRouterName string,
) (Source, error) {
tmpl, err := parseTemplate(fqdnTemplate)
if err != nil {
......@@ -96,6 +98,7 @@ func NewOcpRouteSource(
ignoreHostnameAnnotation: ignoreHostnameAnnotation,
routeInformer: informer,
labelSelector: labelSelector,
ocpRouterName: ocpRouterName,
}, nil
......@@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ func (ors *ocpRouteSource) Endpoints(ctx context.Context) ([]*endpoint.Endpoint,
orEndpoints := endpointsFromOcpRoute(ocpRoute, ors.ignoreHostnameAnnotation)
orEndpoints := ors.endpointsFromOcpRoute(ocpRoute, ors.ignoreHostnameAnnotation)
// apply template if host is missing on OpenShift Route
if (ors.combineFQDNAnnotation || len(orEndpoints) == 0) && ors.fqdnTemplate != nil {
......@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ func (ors *ocpRouteSource) endpointsFromTemplate(ocpRoute *routev1.Route) ([]*en
targets := getTargetsFromTargetAnnotation(ocpRoute.Annotations)
if len(targets) == 0 {
targets = targetsFromOcpRouteStatus(ocpRoute.Status)
targets = ors.targetsFromOcpRouteStatus(ocpRoute.Status)
providerSpecific, setIdentifier := getProviderSpecificAnnotations(ocpRoute.Annotations)
......@@ -223,7 +226,7 @@ func (ors *ocpRouteSource) setResourceLabel(ocpRoute *routev1.Route, endpoints [
// endpointsFromOcpRoute extracts the endpoints from a OpenShift Route object
func endpointsFromOcpRoute(ocpRoute *routev1.Route, ignoreHostnameAnnotation bool) []*endpoint.Endpoint {
func (ors *ocpRouteSource) endpointsFromOcpRoute(ocpRoute *routev1.Route, ignoreHostnameAnnotation bool) []*endpoint.Endpoint {
var endpoints []*endpoint.Endpoint
ttl, err := getTTLFromAnnotations(ocpRoute.Annotations)
......@@ -234,7 +237,7 @@ func endpointsFromOcpRoute(ocpRoute *routev1.Route, ignoreHostnameAnnotation boo
targets := getTargetsFromTargetAnnotation(ocpRoute.Annotations)
if len(targets) == 0 {
targets = targetsFromOcpRouteStatus(ocpRoute.Status)
targets = ors.targetsFromOcpRouteStatus(ocpRoute.Status)
providerSpecific, setIdentifier := getProviderSpecificAnnotations(ocpRoute.Annotations)
......@@ -253,14 +256,18 @@ func endpointsFromOcpRoute(ocpRoute *routev1.Route, ignoreHostnameAnnotation boo
return endpoints
func targetsFromOcpRouteStatus(status routev1.RouteStatus) endpoint.Targets {
func (ors *ocpRouteSource) targetsFromOcpRouteStatus(status routev1.RouteStatus) endpoint.Targets {
var targets endpoint.Targets
for _, ing := range status.Ingress {
if ing.RouterCanonicalHostname != "" {
if len(ors.ocpRouterName) != 0 {
if ing.RouterName == ors.ocpRouterName {
targets = append(targets, ing.RouterCanonicalHostname)
return targets
} else if ing.RouterCanonicalHostname != "" {
targets = append(targets, ing.RouterCanonicalHostname)
return targets
return targets
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ func (suite *OCPRouteSuite) SetupTest() {
suite.routeWithTargets = &routev1.Route{
......@@ -147,6 +148,7 @@ func testOcpRouteSourceNewOcpRouteSource(t *testing.T) {
if ti.expectError {
......@@ -160,8 +162,6 @@ func testOcpRouteSourceNewOcpRouteSource(t *testing.T) {
// testOcpRouteSourceEndpoints tests that various OCP routes generate the correct endpoints.
func testOcpRouteSourceEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
title string
targetNamespace string
......@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ func testOcpRouteSourceEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
expected []*endpoint.Endpoint
expectError bool
labelFilter string
ocpRouterName string
title: "route with basic hostname and route status target",
......@@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ func testOcpRouteSourceEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
ocpRouterName: "",
expected: []*endpoint.Endpoint{
DNSName: "my-domain.com",
......@@ -206,6 +208,119 @@ func testOcpRouteSourceEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
expectError: false,
title: "route with basic hostname and route status target with one RouterCanonicalHostname and one ocpRouterNames defined",
targetNamespace: "",
annotationFilter: "",
fqdnTemplate: "",
ignoreHostnameAnnotation: false,
ocpRoute: &routev1.Route{
Spec: routev1.RouteSpec{
Host: "my-domain.com",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: "default",
Name: "route-with-target",
Annotations: map[string]string{},
Status: routev1.RouteStatus{
Ingress: []routev1.RouteIngress{
RouterName: "default",
RouterCanonicalHostname: "router-default.my-domain.com",
ocpRouterName: "default",
expected: []*endpoint.Endpoint{
DNSName: "my-domain.com",
Targets: []string{
expectError: false,
title: "route with basic hostname and route status target with one RouterCanonicalHostname and one ocpRouterNames defined and two router canonical names",
targetNamespace: "",
annotationFilter: "",
fqdnTemplate: "",
ignoreHostnameAnnotation: false,
ocpRoute: &routev1.Route{
Spec: routev1.RouteSpec{
Host: "my-domain.com",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: "default",
Name: "route-with-target",
Annotations: map[string]string{},
Status: routev1.RouteStatus{
Ingress: []routev1.RouteIngress{
RouterName: "default",
RouterCanonicalHostname: "router-default.my-domain.com",
RouterName: "test",
RouterCanonicalHostname: "router-test.my-domain.com",
ocpRouterName: "default",
expected: []*endpoint.Endpoint{
DNSName: "my-domain.com",
Targets: []string{
expectError: false,
title: "route with basic hostname and route status target with one RouterCanonicalHostname and one ocpRouterName defined and two router canonical names",
targetNamespace: "",
annotationFilter: "",
fqdnTemplate: "",
ignoreHostnameAnnotation: false,
ocpRoute: &routev1.Route{
Spec: routev1.RouteSpec{
Host: "my-domain.com",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: "default",
Name: "route-with-target",
Annotations: map[string]string{},
Status: routev1.RouteStatus{
Ingress: []routev1.RouteIngress{
RouterName: "default",
RouterCanonicalHostname: "router-default.my-domain.com",
RouterName: "test",
RouterCanonicalHostname: "router-test.my-domain.com",
ocpRouterName: "default",
expected: []*endpoint.Endpoint{
DNSName: "my-domain.com",
Targets: []string{
expectError: false,
title: "route with incorrect externalDNS controller annotation",
targetNamespace: "",
......@@ -221,8 +336,9 @@ func testOcpRouteSourceEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
expected: []*endpoint.Endpoint{},
expectError: false,
ocpRouterName: "",
expected: []*endpoint.Endpoint{},
expectError: false,
title: "route with basic hostname and annotation target",
......@@ -242,6 +358,7 @@ func testOcpRouteSourceEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
ocpRouterName: "",
expected: []*endpoint.Endpoint{
DNSName: "my-annotation-domain.com",
......@@ -273,6 +390,7 @@ func testOcpRouteSourceEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
ocpRouterName: "",
expected: []*endpoint.Endpoint{
DNSName: "my-annotation-domain.com",
......@@ -304,17 +422,16 @@ func testOcpRouteSourceEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
expected: []*endpoint.Endpoint{},
expectError: false,
ocpRouterName: "",
expected: []*endpoint.Endpoint{},
expectError: false,
} {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.title, func(t *testing.T) {
// Create a Kubernetes testing client
fakeClient := fake.NewSimpleClientset()
_, err := fakeClient.RouteV1().Routes(tc.ocpRoute.Namespace).Create(context.Background(), tc.ocpRoute, metav1.CreateOptions{})
require.NoError(t, err)
......@@ -329,7 +446,9 @@ func testOcpRouteSourceEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err := source.Endpoints(context.Background())
......@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ type Config struct {
SkipperRouteGroupVersion string
RequestTimeout time.Duration
DefaultTargets []string
OCPRouterName string
// ClientGenerator provides clients
......@@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ func BuildWithConfig(source string, p ClientGenerator, cfg *Config) (Source, err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewOcpRouteSource(ocpClient, cfg.Namespace, cfg.AnnotationFilter, cfg.FQDNTemplate, cfg.CombineFQDNAndAnnotation, cfg.IgnoreHostnameAnnotation, cfg.LabelFilter)
return NewOcpRouteSource(ocpClient, cfg.Namespace, cfg.AnnotationFilter, cfg.FQDNTemplate, cfg.CombineFQDNAndAnnotation, cfg.IgnoreHostnameAnnotation, cfg.LabelFilter, cfg.OCPRouterName)
case "fake":
return NewFakeSource(cfg.FQDNTemplate)
case "connector":
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