Commit 24e871fa authored by Peter Luttrell's avatar Peter Luttrell Committed by Martin Linkhorst
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Update and docs/ (#296)

* Update the docs/ to include details on propertly setting up nginx-ingress-controller to assign the fqdn of ELBs on AWS.

* Updated the to include links to the tutorials to the various platforms.

* Corrected invalid YAML.
parent 0a6c7509
master Raffo-patch-1 add-infoblox-maintainers bugfix/style-faq changelog-for-v0.7.3 cloudflare-ttl correctly-update-aws-records-when-type-changes dansimone/support-prefer-ingress-annotations dependabot/go_modules/ dependabot/go_modules/ dependabot/go_modules/ dependabot/go_modules/ dependabot/go_modules/ doc/aws-rbac-nodes eval-target-health fix-1820 gh-pages go-1.12.7 gometalinter-timeout google-panic-assignment incubator-kep infoblox-multiple-A-records-fix insensitive-compare ipv6 istalker2-designate labeler linki-patch-2 linki-patch-3 linki-patch-4 linki-patch-6 njuettner-patch-1 njuettner/go_modules/ njuettner/go_modules/ njuettner/go_modules/ njuettner/go_modules/ njuettner/go_modules/ normalize pagination-cloudflare-zones pagination-cloudflare-zones-patch pr/531 pr/624 pr/674 pr/675 pr/697 pr/702 provider-specific provider-specific2 raffo-fix-2348 raffo/add-dependabot raffo/add-kustomize-base raffo/add-trivy-scanning raffo/arm raffo/arm32v7 raffo/bump-ci-timeout raffo/bump-cloudbuild-timeout raffo/bump-deps-sec raffo/bump-kustomize raffo/bump-kustomize-1 raffo/bump-kustomize-version-0.7.5 raffo/bump-modules raffo/codeQL raffo/drop-the-changelog raffo/e2e-aws raffo/edit-infoblox-maintainers raffo/fix-1820 raffo/fix-1936 raffo/fix-build raffo/fix-dependabot raffo/fix-ns-deletion raffo/fix-scaleway-security raffo/fix-that-typo raffo/fix-trivy raffo/fix-trivy-again raffo/fix-vulnerabilities raffo/goarm raffo/gpr-docker-image raffo/knolog raffo/kustomize-endpoints raffo/multiarch raffo/multiarch-docs raffo/new-ingress-resource raffo/new-maintainers raffo/provider-structure-refactor raffo/release-conventions raffo/release-note-patch raffo/release-script raffo/release-script-update raffo/release-v0.7.2 raffo/remove-azure-test raffo/remove-broken-link raffo/remove-incubator-readme raffo/remove-masters raffo/revert-tzdata raffo/split-sources raffo/update-kustomize-080 raffo/update-v0.10-role raffo/use-actions raffo/v0.7.6 ratelimit refactor-common-parts revert-736-fix-domainfilter revert-963-ns1-provider-ammended sagor999/infoblox-multiple-A-records stability-matrix test-ideahitme/demonstrate-plan-miscalc test-things travis-test update-changelog v0.5.15 v0.5.17 v0.5.9-changelog validate-txt-prefix v1.0.0-mf v0.10.2 v0.10.1 v0.10.0 v0.9.0 v0.8.0 v0.7.6 v0.7.5 v0.7.4 v0.7.3 v0.7.2 v0.7.1 v0.7.0 v0.6.0 v0.5.18 v0.5.17 v0.5.16 v0.5.15 v0.5.14 v0.5.13 v0.5.12 v0.5.11 v0.5.10 v0.5.9 v0.5.8 v0.5.7 v0.5.6 v0.5.5 v0.5.4 v0.5.3 v0.5.2 v0.5.1 v0.5.0 v0.5.0-alpha.3 v0.5.0-alpha.2 v0.5.0-alpha.1 v0.5.0-alpha.0 v0.4.8 v0.4.7 v0.4.6 v0.4.5 v0.4.4 v0.4.3 v0.4.2 external-dns-helm-chart-1.7.1 external-dns-helm-chart-1.7.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.6.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.5.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.4.1 external-dns-helm-chart-1.4.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.3.2 external-dns-helm-chart-1.3.1 external-dns-helm-chart-1.3.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.2.0
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Showing with 53 additions and 3 deletions
+53 -3
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ In a broader sense, ExternalDNS allows you to control DNS records dynamically vi
The [FAQ](docs/ contains additional information and addresses several questions about key concepts of ExternalDNS.
## Getting started
## The Latest Release: v0.4
ExternalDNS' current release is `v0.4`. This version allows you to keep selected zones (via `--domain-filter`) synchronized with Ingresses and Services of `type=LoadBalancer` in various cloud providers:
* [Google CloudDNS](
......@@ -29,6 +29,20 @@ Note that all flags can be replaced with environment variables; for instance,
`--dry-run` could be replaced with `EXTERNAL_DNS_DRY_RUN=1`, or
`--registry txt` could be replaced with `EXTERNAL_DNS_REGISTRY=txt`.
## Deploying to a Cluster
The following tutorials are provided:
* [AWS](docs/tutorials/
* [Azure](docs/tutorials/
* [Cloudflare](docs/tutorials/
* [DigitalOcean](docs/tutorials/
* Google Container Engine
* [Using Google's Default Ingress Controller](docs/tutorials/
* [Using the Nginx Ingress Controller](docs/tutorials/
## Running Locally
### Technical Requirements
Make sure you have the following prerequisites:
......@@ -79,11 +79,47 @@ For now ExternalDNS uses TXT records to label owned records, and there might be
### Does anyone use ExternalDNS in production?
Yes — Zalando replaced [Mate]( with ExternalDNS since its v0.3 release, which now runs in production-level clusters. We are planning to document a step-by-step tutorial on how the switch from Mate to ExternalDNS has occured.
Yes — Zalando replaced [Mate]( with ExternalDNS since its v0.3 release, which now runs in production-level clusters. We are planning to document a step-by-step tutorial on how the switch from Mate to ExternalDNS has occurred.
### How can we start using ExternalDNS?
Check out the following decriptive tutorials on how to run ExternalDNS in [GKE](tutorials/ and [AWS](tutorials/
Check out the following descriptive tutorials on how to run ExternalDNS in [GKE](tutorials/ and [AWS](tutorials/
### Why is ExternalDNS only adding a single IP address in Route 53 on AWS when using the `nginx-ingress-controller`? How do I get it to use the FQDN of the ELB assigned to my `nginx-ingress-controller` Service instead?
By default the `nginx-ingress-controller` assigns a single IP address to an Ingress resource when it's created. ExternalDNS uses what's assigned to the Ingress resource, so it too will use this single IP address when adding the record in Route 53.
In most AWS deployments, you'll instead want the Route 53 entry to be the FQDN of the ELB that is assigned to the `nginx-ingress-controller` Service. To accomplish this, when you create the `nginx-ingress-controller` Deployment, you need to provide the `--publish-service` option to the `/nginx-ingress-controller` executable under `args`. Once this is deployed new Ingress resources will get the ELB's FQDN and ExternalDNS will use the same when creating records in Route 53.
According to the `nginx-ingress-controller` [docs]( the value you need to provide `--publish-service` is:
> Service fronting the ingress controllers. Takes the form namespace/name. The controller will set the endpoint records on the ingress objects to reflect those on the service.
For example if your `nginx-ingress-controller` Service's name is `nginx-ingress-controller-svc` and it's in the `default` namespace the start of your resource YAML might look like the following. Note the second to last line.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-ingress-controller
replicas: 1
app: nginx-ingress
hostNetwork: false
- name: nginx-ingress-controller
image: ""
imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
- /nginx-ingress-controller
- --default-backend-service={your-backend-service}
- --publish-service=default/nginx-ingress-controller-svc
- --configmap={your-configmap}
### I have a Service/Ingress but it's ignored by ExternalDNS. Why?
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