Commit 15264469 authored by Marcello de Sales's avatar Marcello de Sales Committed by Marcello de Sales
Browse files add patch for existing clusterrole + add debug information

Making sure the records are created depends on different settings. Add the section about debugging.
parent de2c535b
master Raffo-patch-1 changelog-for-v0.7.3 correctly-update-aws-records-when-type-changes dansimone/support-prefer-ingress-annotations dependabot/go_modules/ dependabot/go_modules/ dependabot/go_modules/ dependabot/go_modules/ dependabot/go_modules/ fix-1820 gh-pages infoblox-multiple-A-records-fix linki-patch-6 njuettner-patch-1 njuettner/go_modules/ njuettner/go_modules/ njuettner/go_modules/ njuettner/go_modules/ njuettner/go_modules/ normalize raffo-fix-2348 raffo/add-dependabot raffo/add-kustomize-base raffo/add-trivy-scanning raffo/arm raffo/arm32v7 raffo/bump-ci-timeout raffo/bump-cloudbuild-timeout raffo/bump-deps-sec raffo/bump-kustomize raffo/bump-kustomize-1 raffo/bump-kustomize-version-0.7.5 raffo/bump-modules raffo/codeQL raffo/drop-the-changelog raffo/e2e-aws raffo/edit-infoblox-maintainers raffo/fix-1820 raffo/fix-1936 raffo/fix-build raffo/fix-dependabot raffo/fix-ns-deletion raffo/fix-scaleway-security raffo/fix-that-typo raffo/fix-trivy raffo/fix-trivy-again raffo/fix-vulnerabilities raffo/goarm raffo/gpr-docker-image raffo/knolog raffo/kustomize-endpoints raffo/multiarch raffo/multiarch-docs raffo/new-ingress-resource raffo/new-maintainers raffo/provider-structure-refactor raffo/release-conventions raffo/release-note-patch raffo/release-script raffo/release-script-update raffo/release-v0.7.2 raffo/remove-azure-test raffo/remove-broken-link raffo/remove-masters raffo/revert-tzdata raffo/split-sources raffo/update-kustomize-080 raffo/update-v0.10-role raffo/use-actions raffo/v0.7.6 sagor999/infoblox-multiple-A-records test-things validate-txt-prefix v1.0.0-mf v0.10.2 v0.10.1 v0.10.0 v0.9.0 v0.8.0 v0.7.6 v0.7.5 v0.7.4 v0.7.3 v0.7.2 v0.7.1 v0.7.0 v0.6.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.7.1 external-dns-helm-chart-1.7.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.6.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.5.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.4.1 external-dns-helm-chart-1.4.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.3.2 external-dns-helm-chart-1.3.1 external-dns-helm-chart-1.3.0 external-dns-helm-chart-1.2.0
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+41 -1
......@@ -124,7 +124,13 @@ Execute the following command or update the argument.
kubectl patch deployment external-dns --type='json' \
-p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/2", "value": "--source=istio-gateway" }]'
deployment.extensions/external-dns patched
In case the setup uses a `clusterrole`, just append a new value to the enable the istio group.
kubectl patch clusterrole external-dns --type='json' \
-p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/rules/4", "value": { "apiGroups": [ ""], "resources": ["gateways"],"verbs": ["get", "watch", "list" ]} }]'
### Verify External DNS works (Gateway example)
......@@ -213,3 +219,37 @@ transfer-encoding: chunked
**Note:** The `-H` flag in the original Istio tutorial is no longer necessary in the `curl` commands.
### Debug External-DNS
* Look for the deployment pod to see the status
```console$ kubectl get pods | grep external-dns
external-dns-6b84999479-4knv9 1/1 Running 0 3h29m
* Watch for the logs as follows
$ kubectl logs -f external-dns-6b84999479-4knv9
At this point, you can `create` or `update` any `Istio Gateway` object with `hosts` entries array.
> **ATTENTION**: Make sure to specify those whose account is related to the DNS record.
* Successful executions will print the following
time="2020-01-17T06:08:08Z" level=info msg="Desired change: CREATE A"
time="2020-01-17T06:08:08Z" level=info msg="Desired change: CREATE httpbin.example.comm TXT"
time="2020-01-17T06:08:08Z" level=info msg="2 record(s) in zone example.comm. were successfully updated"
time="2020-01-17T06:09:08Z" level=info msg="All records are already up to date, there are no changes for the matching hosted zones"
* If there's any problem around `clusterrole`, you would see the errors showing wrong permissions:
source \"gateways\" in API group \"\" at the cluster scope"
time="2020-01-17T06:07:08Z" level=error msg=" is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:kube-system:external-dns\" cannot list resource \"gateways\" in API group \"\" at the cluster scope"
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