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Add documentation on kops-compatibility-mode

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# Kops dns-controller annotations
Kops includes a dns-controller, and this document describes the existing annotations and their behaviour. This
document is intended to allow us to see the use-cases identified by kops dns-controller, to ensure the same annotations
can be recognized (perhaps with a `--compatibilty` flag), and to ensure that we have comparable functionality.
## Flags
* `--dns`: `aws-route53,google-clouddns`
The DNS flag lets us choose which DNS provider to use.
* `--watch-ingress` boolean
Turns ingress functionality on and off. For AWS at least, we are blocked on switching to a release
from the `kubernetes/ingress` project (instead of one from the `contrib` project).
* `--zones` configures permitted zones, and also disambiguates when domain names are duplicated. It is a list that matches zones we are allowed to match.
- `*` and `*/*` are wildcard, and match all zones
- `` matches zones with name=``
- `` matches zones with id=`1234` and name=``. This is useful to disambiguate between
multiple zones named ``.
- `*/1234` matches the zone with id=`1234`. A zone has a unique name, so this is equivalent to ``,
but a little shorter - and less self-documenting!
* Standard glog flags (--v, --logtostderr etc)
* Standard kubectl_util client flags
## Annotations
We define 2 primary annotations:
* `` which is used to define a DNS record for accessing the resource publicly (i.e. public IPs)
* `` which is used to define a DNS record for accessing the resource from outside the cluster but inside the cloud,
i.e. it will typically use internal IPs for instances.
These annotations may both be comma-separated lists of names.
On a node, we also have a WIP annotation ``, which configures the external ip
for a node (to work around [#42125]( That is an annotation
that lets us defined the equivalent of an address with type ExternalIP.
## DNS record mappings
The DNS record mappings try to "do the right thing", but what this means is different for each resource type.
### Ingress
We consult the `Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress` records on the ingress. For each one, we create a record.
If the record is an IP address, we add an A record. If the record is a hostname (AWS ELB), we use a CNAME.
We would like to use an ALIAS, but we have not yet done this because of limitations of the DNS provider.
### Pods
For the external annotation, we will map a HostNetwork=true pod to the external IPs of the node. We create an A record.
For the internal annotation, we will map a HostNetwork=true pod to the internal IPs of the node. We create an A record.
We ignore pods that are not HostNetwork=true
### Services
* For a Service of Type=LoadBalancer, we look at Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress. We create CNAMEs to hostnames,
and A records for IP addresses. (We should create ALIASes for ELBs). We do this for both internal & external
names - there is no difference on GCE or AWS.
* For a Service of Type=NodePort, we create A records for the node's internal/external IP addresses, as appropriate.
(A canonical use for NodePort internal is having a prometheus server running inside EC2 monitoring your kubernetes cluster,
for NodePort external is to expose your service without an ELB).
### Nodes
(We don't currently support annotations on the nodes themselves. We do set up internal "alias" records,
which is how we do JOINs for e.g. NodePort services)
# kOps dns-controller compatibility mode
kOps includes a dns-controller that is primarily used to bootstrap the cluster, but can also be used for provisioning DNS entries for Services and Ingress.
ExternalDNS can be used as a drop-in replacement for dns-controller if you are running a non-gossip cluster. The flag `--compatibility kops-dns-controller` enables the dns-controller behaviour.
## Annotations
In kops-dns-controller compatibility mode, ExternalDNS supports two additional annotations:
* `` which is used to define a DNS record for accessing the resource publicly (i.e. public IPs)
* `` which is used to define a DNS record for accessing the resource from outside the cluster but inside the cloud,
i.e. it will typically use internal IPs for instances.
These annotations may both be comma-separated lists of names.
## DNS record mappings
The DNS record mappings try to "do the right thing", but what this means is different for each resource type.
### Pods
For the external annotation, ExternalDNS will map a HostNetwork=true Pod to the external IPs of the Node.
For the internal annotation, ExternalDNS will map a HostNetwork=true Pod to the internal IPs of the Node.
ExternalDNS ignore Pods that are not HostNetwork=true
Annotations added to Pods will always result in an A record being created.
### Services
* For a Service of Type=LoadBalancer, ExternalDNS looks at Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress. It will create CNAMEs to hostnames,
and A records for IP addresses. It will do this for both internal and external names
* For a Service of Type=NodePort, ExternalDNS will create A records for the Node's internal/external IP addresses, as appropriate.
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