Connect your `kubectl` client to the cluster you want to test ExternalDNS with.
Then apply one of the following manifests file to deploy ExternalDNS.
**Note for examples below**
When using `registry=txt` option, make sure to also use the `txt-prefix` and `txt-owner-id` options as well. If you try to create a `TXT` record in VinylDNS without a prefix, it will try to create a `TXT` record with the same name as your actual DNS record and fail (creating a stranded record `external-dns` cannot manage).
### Manifest (for clusters without RBAC enabled)
@@ -64,6 +68,9 @@ spec:
---source=service (optional) limit to only domains; change to match the zone created above.
@@ -132,6 +139,9 @@ spec:
---source=service (optional) limit to only domains; change to match the zone created above.