Kundan Kumar authored083e243e
- Add quick start section to contributing docs (#1766) @seanmalloy
- Enhance pull request template @seanmalloy
- Improve errors context for AWS provider
- Scaleway Provider (#1643) @Sh4d1
- Enable azure_private_dns to work with non "AzurePublicCloud" clouds (#1578) @daddonpa
- Fix typos in documentation @ddymko
- Add Cloudflare documentation on use of
(#1751) @loozhengyuan - Fix: alibaba cloud keeping create record (#1682) @LXM
- Update all container registry references to use k8s.gcr.io @seanmalloy
- Provide available prometheus metrics in documentation @vinny-sabatini
- Fix index out of range when hostname has no dots (#1756) @chemasan
- Fixes test coverage with coveralls (#1755) @jgrumboe
- Add tutorial for GKE with workload identity (#1765) @ddgenome
- Fix NodePort with externaltrafficpolicy targets duplication @codearky
v0.7.3 - 2020-08-05
- Fix: add serviceaccount name in kustomize deployment (#1689) @jmthvt
- Updates Oracle OCI SDK to latest (#1687) @ericrrath
- UltraDNS Provider (#1635) @kbhandari
- Update apiVersions in docs (#1690) @ddgenome
- use the github actions build status badge (#1702) @tariq1890
- Upgrade Oracle OCI SDK (#1688) @ericrrath
- update dependencies and minor dep tree cleanup (#1692) @tariq1890
- Update link for linode cloud manager (#1661) @phillc
- Remove occurrences of "master" from the project (#1636) @Raffo
- Create pull_request_template (#1662) @njuettner
- dependencies: Upgrade all k8s client-go dependent sources to v1.18.X (#1627) @josephglanville
- add GitHub Actions (#1657) @Raffo
- add new source for istio virtual services (#1607) @tariq1890
- use latest Alpine version in ExternalDNS dockerfile (#1655) @tariq1890
- Update TTL docs to confirm DNSimple support (#1547) @weppos
- rm unused flag param istio-ingressgateways (#1649) @tariq1890
- Upgrade istio httpbin from 1.0 to 1.6 version (#1640) @ikovnatskymiacar
- Add endpoints to kustomize base (#1638) @Raffo
- DigitalOcean: support multiple targets per endpoint (#1595) @tdyas
- Vultr : Version bump + changes (#1637) @ddymko
- Hetzner DNS service support (#1570) @21h
- Add OVH API rate limiting option (Fix #1546) (#1619) @Hugome
- Add kustomize base (#1631) @Raffo
- increase test timeout to fix intermittent failures of ingress tests (#1612) @tdyas
- AWS: change the order of the actions, DELETE before CREATE fixes #1411 (#1555) @OmerKahani
- Fix handling of DNS updates for RFC2136 provider. (#1613) @dmayle
- digitalocean: increase API page size (#1611) @tdyas
- improve linter quality for external-dns (#1618) @njuettner
- fix convert int to string bug (#1620) @tariq1890
v0.7.2 - 2020-06-03
- Update blogpost in README (#1610) @vanhumbeecka
- Support for AWS Route53 in China (#1603) @greenu
- Update Govcloud provider hosted zones (#1592) @clhuang
- Fix issue with too large DNS messages (#1590) @dmayle
- use the latest linode go version (#1587) @tariq1890
- use istio client-go and clean up k8s deps (#1584) @tariq1890
- Add owners for cloudflare and coredns providers (#1582) @Raffo
- remove some code duplication in gateway source (#1575) @tariq1890
- update Contour IngressRoute deps (#1569) @stevesloka
- Make tests faster (#1568) @sheerun
- Fix scheduling of reconciliation (#1567) @sheerun
- fix minor typos in istio gateway source docs (#1566) @tariq1890
- Provider structure refactor (#1565) @Raffo
- Fix typo in ttl.md (#1564) @rtnpro
- Fix goreportcard warnings (#1561) @squat
- Use consistent headless service name in example (#1559) @lowkeyliesmyth
- Update go versions to 1.14.x that were missed in commit 99cebfcf from PR #1476 (#1554) @stealthybox
- Remove duplicate selector from DigitalOcean manifest (#1553) @ggordan
- Upgrade DNSimple client and add support for contexts (#1551) @weppos
- Upgrade github.com/miekg/dns to v1.1.25 (#1545) @davidcollom
- Fix updates in CloudFlare provider (#1542) @sheerun
- update readme for latest version (#1539) @elsesiy
- Improve Cloudflare tests in preparation to fix other issues (#1537) @sheerun
- Allow for custom property comparators (#1536) @sheerun
- fix typo (#1535) @tmatias
- Bump github.com/pkg/errors from 0.8.1 to 0.9.1 (#1531) @njuettner
- Bump github.com/digitalocean/godo from 1.19.0 to 1.34.0 (#1530) @njuettner
- Bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang from 1.0.0 to 1.5.1 (#1529) @njuettner
- Bump github.com/akamai/AkamaiOPEN-edgegrid-golang from 0.9.10 to 0.9.11 (#1528) @njuettner
- Fix RFC2316 Windows Documentation (#1516) @scottd018
- remove dependency on kubernetes/kubernetes (#1513) @tariq1890
- update akamai openapi dependency (#1511) @tariq1890
- Vultr Provider (#1509) @ddymko
- Add AWS region ap-east-1(HK) (#1497) @lovemai073
- Fix: file coredns.go is not
-ed (#1496) @njuettner - Allow ZoneIDFilter for Cloudflare (#1494) @james-callahan
- update etcd dependency to latest version (#1485) @tariq1890
- Support for openshift routes (#1484) @jgrumboe
- add --txt-suffix feature (#1483) @jgrumboe
- update to go 1.14 (#1476) @jochen42
- Multiple A records support for the same FQDN (#1475) @ytsarev
- Implement annotation filter for CRD source (#1399) @ytsarev
v0.7.1 - 2020-04-01
- Prometheus metric: timestamp of last successful sync with the DNS provider (#1480) @njuettner
- Bump alpine base image to 3.11.5 (#1477) @Annegies
- Docs: Add first maintainers in list (#1472) @Raffo
- Fix DomainFilter type in OVH provider (#1469) @ytsarev
- New provider: OVH (#1439) @Hugome
v0.7.0 - 2020-03-10
- New source: Add support for Skipper's RouteGroup CRD (#1444) @szuecs
- Change DomainFilter to apply to records as well (#1442) @bl1nk
- Docs: Update docker image references of ExternalDNS (#1427) @tariq1890
- Remove duplicate targets from endpoints for headless services (#1426) @thomasv314
- Add issue templates to Github (#1424) @njuettner
- Azure: Don't use SPN to authenticate when clientid or secret is 'msi' (#1422) @norshtein
- Rfc2136: Add option to define minimum TTL (#1412) @ouzklcn
- Azure Private DNS: Fix updates of unchanged records (#1377) @jasper-d
- Headless service: Retrieve endpoints via Endpoints resource (#1005) @devkid
v0.6.0 - 2020-02-11
- Azure Private DNS: Fix endless loop in zone-detection (#1397) @saidst
- Uprade golangci-lint and add megacheck & interface linters (#1390) @tariq1890
- Update alpine base image to 3.11 (#1387) @tariq1890
- New provider: Akamai FastDNS (#1384) @KarstenSiemer
- Docs: Fix broken links (#1382) @ttonline6
- Docs: Fix broken links (#1381) @ttonline6
- Docs: Update AWS documentation (#1380) @otterley
- Docs: istio.md: update existing external-dns to enable Istio Gateway DNS for customers (#1378) @marcellodesales
- Remove context.TODO()s in external-dns (#1374) @tariq1890
- Docs: add region for aws-sd external-dns deployment (#1367) @guitarrapc
- Docs: a how-to of a working GCP GKE app demo (#1365) @jpantsjoha
- Add ctx parameter to provider interface and AWS API (#1364) @tariq1890
- Add version to binary for --version flag (#1361) @linki
- Update aws sdk dep and golangci-lint release (#1360) @tariq1890
- Add support for human-friendly TTL values (#1237) @hypnoglow
- Change ApplyChanges in RFC2136 to batch update (#1164) @h3ndrk
- Add --watchers flag to allow controller to respond automatically to Ingress or Service updates (#687) @jlamillan
v0.5.18 - 2020-01-09
- Use correct link to contributors guide (#1349) @szuecs
- AWS-SD: Rebrand AWS Auto Naming to Cloud Map (#1348) @vanekjar
- Add more linters and improve code quality (#1347) @tariq1890
- Suppress noisy logging of klog (#1344) @saidst
- Update VinylDNS documentation (#1342) @dgrizzanti
- Remove incubator references in README (#1341) @Raffo
- Rename project root package to sigs.k8s.io (#1334) @tariq1890
- Add CRD documentation and fix samples (#1332) @ytsarev
- Add support for multiple Istio ingress gateways (#1328) @ashleyschuett
- Enable image publishing to gcr.io via cloudbuild (#1326) @njuettner
- Corrected a typo in the Readme (#1323) @drewhemm
- Rework tutorial for Azure Private DNS (#1319) @saidst
- Correct typos and superflous spaces in the provider code (#1315) @stensonb
- Add missing bracket in CLI help output (#1308) @ekeih
- Add missing service account to deployment spec in the docs (#1305) @linki
- Bump the version of golangci-lint (#1296) @njuettner
- Fix broken link of ingress-gce and ingress-nginx (#1290) @sivanzcw
- Use apps/v1 for the deployment to be compatible with Kubernetes 1.16 (#1279) @scholzj
- Normalize function return and comments on exported type (#1277) @sivanzcw
- Use non-deprecated initializer with go context (#1271) @linki
- Fix several golint errors (#1270) @bysph
- Add Azure Private DNS Provider (#1269) @saidst
- Fix tutorial for kubernetes 1.16+ (#1268) @yujunz
- Add me-south region to list of canonical hosted zones (#1266) @poweroftrue
- Add gov region to list of canonical hosted zones (#1260) @helgi
- Update broken links to RDNS (#1259) @Slach
- Designate: add snippet for RBAC environment (#1254) @bavarianbidi
- Fix log-level parameter in tutorials (#1253) @bavarianbidi
- Improve RFC2136 documentation (#1251) @alex-orange
- Google Provider: Add support for batching updates (#1248) @vdesjardins
- Azure: add support for specifying user assigned identity's clientID to authenticate (#1247) @norshtein
- Automatically add provider labels on pull requests via Github actions (#1242) @njuettner
- Improve documentation for nginx ingress controller on AWS (#1234) @PiotrJander
- Use apps/v1 instead of extensions/v1beta1 in Deployment examples (#1225) @reegnz
- Add documentation to make the use of namespaces clearer (#1223) @dgrizzanti
- Add support for using Nodes as Source (#1218) @skoef
- Add missing RBAC permissions for the ServiceAccount in the docs (#1206) @dooman87
- Upgrade client-go + azure sdk (#1195) @timja
- RFC2136: Add support for batching updates (#1164) @h3ndrk
- Fix confusing arrow direction in the Azure tutorial (#1163) @adipascu
- Route53: Add RBAC manifest and update wording around IAM policy (#1149) @dkeightley
- Route53: Add support for all AWS Route53 routing policies; add additional Setldentifier abstraction layer (#1008) @devkid
v0.5.17 - 2019-09-17
- Exoscale: add context support (#1193) @greut
- Cloudflare: Support API Token Auth (#1189) @Evesy
- AWS: Fix IAM Roles for Service Accounts permission problem (#1185) @serialx
- Core: Upgrade go version to 1.13 in external-dns (#1184) @tariq1890
- AWS: Update the AWS SDK to support Web Identity providers for IAM credentials (#1182) @MarcusNoble
- Docs: Update rfc2136 tutorial for use with Microsoft DNS (#1178) @bjschafer
- AWS: Update the AWS go SDK to support AWS IAM for Service Accounts (#1172) @micahhausler
- AWS-SD: Add support for AWS Network Load Balancers (#1170) @vanekjar
- Core: Add create-only policy (#1160) @danieldabate
- AWS: Fix --aws-api-retries (#1158) @coreypobrien
- Source: Support delegate Heptio Contour IngressRoutes (#1144) @jonasrmichel
- Core: TXTRegistry: do not overwrite labels of records returned by the provider (#1136) @multi-io
- Infoblox: Fixing incorrect match of zone dns names (#1128) @gregsidelinger
- Source: Improvements to the source CRD (#1107) @JoaoBraveCoding
- Core: Fix txt prefix bug (#1013) @p53
v0.5.16 - 2019-08-16
- Fix flaky unit test in provider package (#1151) @tariq1890
- Dockerfile: Update version of base images (#1148) @tariq1890
- DigitalOcean: Update
to the latest stable version (#1145) @tariq1890 - Fix build pipeline for Go v1.13 (#1142) @linki
- AWS: Add Hosted Zone ID to logging output (#1129) @helgi
- IstioGateway: Support namespaces on hostnames (#1124) @dcherman
- AWS: Document
flag (#1123) @dbluxo - Add Tutorial for DNSimple provider (#1121) @marc-sensenich
- Update Go version and golangci-lint to the latest release (#1120) @njuettner
- Allow compilation on 32bit machines (#1116) @mylesagray
- AWS: Allow to force usage of CNAME over ALIAS (#1103) @linki
- CoreDNS: add option to specify prefix name (#1102) @xunpan
- New provider: Rancher DNS (RDNS) (#1098) @Jason-ZW
- Document where e2e tests are currently located (#1094) @jaypipes
- Add initial KEP for ExternalDNS (#1092) @Raffo
- Update Dockerfiles to follow best practices (#1091) @taharah
- New Source: Heptio Contour IngressRoute (#1084) @jonasrmichel
- AWS: Add dualstack support with ALB ingress controllers (#1079) @twilfong
- Allow handling of multiple Oracle Cloud (OCI) zones (#1061) @suman-ganta
- Namespace exposed metrics with the external_dns prefix (#794) @linki
v0.5.15 - 2019-07-03
- RFC2136: Fix when merging multiple targets (#1082) @hachh
- New provider VinylDNS (#1080) @dgrizzanti
- Core: Fix for DomainFilter exclusions (#1059) @cmattoon
- Core: Update aws-go-sdk to be compatible with kube-aws-iam-controller (#1054) @mikkeloscar
- RFC2136: Log RR adds/deletes as Info (#1041) @gclawes
- Docs: Cloudflare set ttl annotation for proxied entries to 1 (#1039) @MiniJerome
- Core: Install ca-certificates (#1038) @dryewo
- Cloudflare: Fix provider to return a single endpoint for each name/type (#1034) @shasderias
- Core: Sanitize dockerfiles for external-dns (#1033) @tariq1890
- Core: Add empty source (#1032) @anandkumarpatel
- Google: Zones should be filter by their ID and Name (#1031) @simonswine
- Core: Fix panic on empty targets for custom resources (#1029) @arturo-c
- Core: Support externalTrafficPolicy annotation with "local" mode for NodePort service (#1023) @yverbin
- Core: Add support for ExternalName services (#1018) @mironov
v0.5.14 - 2019-05-14
- Docs: Update aws.md (#1009) @pawelprazak
- New provider TransIP (#1007) @skoef
- Docs: Add docker image faq (#1006) @Raffo
- DNSimple: Support apex records (#1004) @jbowes
- NS1: Add --ns1-endpoint and --ns1-ignoressl flags (#1002) @mburtless
- AWS: Cache the endpoints on the controller loop (#1001) @fraenkel
- Core: Supress Kubernetes logs (#991) @njuettner
- Core: distroless/static image (#989) @jharshman
- Core: Headless service missing DNS entry (#984) @yverbin
- New provider NS1 (#963) @mburtless
- Core: Add Cloud Foundry routes as a source (#955) @dgrizzanti
v0.5.13 - 2019-04-18
- Azure: Support multiple A targets (#987) @michaelfig
- Core: Fixing what seems an obvious omission of /github.com/ dir in Dockerfile (#985) @llamahunter
- Docs: GKE tutorial remove disable-addon argument (#978) @ggordan
- Docs: Alibaba Cloud config file missing by enable sts token (#977) @xianlubird
- Docs: Alibaba Cloud fix wrong arg in manifest (#976) @iamzhout
- AWS: Set a default TTL for Alias records (#975) @fraenkel
- Cloudflare: Add support for multiple target addresses (#970) @nta
- AWS: Adding China ELB endpoints and hosted zone id's (#968) @jfillo
- AWS: Streamline ApplyChanges (#966) @fraenkel
- Core: Switch to go modules (#960) @njuettner
- Docs: AWS how to check if your cluster has a RBAC (#959) @confiq
- Docs: AWS remove superfluous trailing period from hostname (#952) @hobti01
- Core: Add generic logic to remove secrets from logs (#951) @dsbrng25b
- RFC2136: Remove unnecessary parameter (#948) @ChristianMoesl
- Infoblox: Reduce verbosity of logs (#945) @dsbrng25b
v0.5.12 - 2019-03-26
- Bumping istio to 1.1.0 (#942) @venezia
- Docs: Added stability matrix and minor improvements to README (#938) @Raffo
- Docs: Added a reference to a blogpost which uses ExternalDNS in a CI/CD setup (#928) @vanhumbeecka
- Use k8s informer cache instead of making active API GET requests (#917) @jlamillan
- Docs: Tiny clarification about two available deployment methods (#935) @przemolb
- Add support for multiple Istio IngressGateway LoadBalancer Services (#907) @LorbusChris
- Set log level to debug when axfr is disabled (#932) @arief-hidayat
- Infoblox provider support for DNS view (#895) @dsbrng25b
- Add RcodeZero Anycast DNS provider (#874) @dklesev
- Docs: Dropping owners (#929) @njuettner
- Docs: Added description for multiple dns name (#911) @st1t
- Docs: Clarify that hosted zone identifier is to be used (#915) @dirkgomez
- Docs: Make dep step which may be needed to run make build (#913) @dirkgomez
- PowerDNS: Fixed Domain Filter Bug (#827) @anandsinghkunwar
- Allow hostname annotations to be ignored (#745) @anandkumarpatel
- RFC2136: Fixed typo in debug output (#899) @hpandeycodeit
v0.5.11 - 2019-02-11
- Fix constant updating issue introduced with v0.5.10 (#886) @jhohertz
- Ignore evaluate target health for calculating changes for AWS (#880) @linki
- Pagination for cloudflare zones (#873) @njuettner
v0.5.10 - 2019-01-28
- Docs: Improve documentation regarding Alias (#868) @alexnederlof
- Adds a new flag
which allows overriding the number of retries (#858) @viafoura - Docs: Make awscli commands use JSON output (#849) @ifosch
- Docs: Add missing apiVersion to Ingress resource (#847) @shlao
- Fix for AWS private DNS zone (#844) @xianlubird
- Add support for AWS ELBs in eu-north-1 (#843) @argoyle
- Create a SECURITY_CONTACTS file (#842) @njuettner
- Use correct product name for Google Cloud DNS (#841) @seils
- Change default AWSBatchChangeSize to 1000 (#839) @medzin
- Fix dry-run mode in rfc2136 provider (#838) @lachlancooper
- Fix typos in rfc2136 provider (#837) @lachlancooper
- rfc2136 provider: one IP Target per RRSET (#836) @ivanfilippov
- Normalize DNS names during planning (#833) @justinsb
- Implement Stringer for planTableRow (#832) @justinsb
- Docs: Better security granularity concerning external dns service principal for Azure (#829) @DenisBiondic
- Docs: Update links in Cloudflare docs (#824) @PascalKu
- Docs: Add metrics info to FAQ (#822) @zachyam
- Docs: Update nameserver IPs in coredns.md (#820) @mozhuli
- Docs: Fix commands to cleanup Cloudflare (#818) @acrogenesis
- Avoid unnecessary updating for CRD resource (#810) @xunpan
- Fix issues with CoreDNS provider and more than 1 targets (#807) @xunpan
- AWS: Add zone tag filter (#804) @csrwng
- Docs: Update CoreDNS tutorial with RBAC manifest (#803) @Lujeni
- Use SOAP API to improve DYN's provider's performance (#799) @sanyu
- Expose managed resources and records as metrics (#793) @linki
- Docs: Updating Azure tutorial (#788) @pelithne
- Improve errors in Records() of Infoblox provider (#785) @dsbrng25b
- Change default apiVersion of CRD Source (#774) @dsbrng25b
- Allow setting Cloudflare proxying on a per-Ingress basis (#650) @eswets
- Support A record for multiple IPs for headless services (#645) @toshipp
v0.5.9 - 2018-11-22
- Core: Update delivery.yaml to new format (#782) @linki
- Core: Adjust gometalinter timeout by setting env var (#778) @njuettner
- Provider Google: Panic assignment to entry in nil map (#776) @njuettner
- Docs: Fix typos (#769) @mooncak
- Docs: Remove duplicated words (#768) @mooncak
- Provider Alibaba: Alibaba Cloud Provider Fix Multiple Subdomains Bug (#767) @xianlubird
- Core: Add Traefik to the supported list of ingress controllers (#764) @coderanger
- Provider Dyn: Fix some typos in returned messages in dyn.go (#760) @AdamDang
- Docs: Update Azure documentation (#756) @pascalgn
- Provider Oracle: Oracle doc fix (add "key:" to secret) (#750) @CaptTofu
- Core: Docker MAINTAINER is deprecated - using LABEL instead (#747) @helgi
- Core: Feature add alias annotation (#742) @vaegt
- Provider RFC2136: Fix rfc2136 - setup fails issue and small docs (#741) @antlad
- Core: Fix nil map access of endpoint labels (#739) @shashidharatd
- Provider PowerDNS: PowerDNS Add DomainFilter support (#737) @ottoyiu
- Core: Fix domain-filter matching logic to not match similar domain names (#736) @ottoyiu
- Core: Matching entire string for wildcard in txt records with prefixes (#727) @etopeter
- Provider Designate: Fix TLS issue with OpenStack auth (#717) @FestivalBobcats
- Provider AWS: Add helper script to update route53 txt owner entries (#697) @efranford
- Provider CoreDNS: Migrate to use etcd client v3 for CoreDNS provider (#686) @shashidharatd
- Core: Create a non-root user to run the container process (#684) @coderanger
- Core: Do not replace TXT records with A/CNAME records in planner (#581) @jchv
v0.5.8 - 2018-10-11
- New Provider: RFC2136 (#702) @antlad
- Add Linode to list of supported providers (#730) @cliedeman
- Correctly populate target health check on existing records (#724) @linki
- Don't erase Endpoint labels (#713) @sebastien-prudhomme
v0.5.7 - 2018-09-27
- Pass all relevant CLI flags to AWS provider (#719) @linki
- Replace glog with a noop logger (#714) @linki
- Fix handling of custom TTL values with Google DNS. (#704) @kevinmdavis
- Continue even if node listing fails (#701) @pascalgn
- Fix Host field in HTTP request when using pdns provider (#700) @peterbale
- Allow AWS batching to fully sync on each run (#699) @bartelsielski
v0.5.6 - 2018-09-07
- Alibaba Cloud (#696) @xianlubird
- Add Source implementation for Istio Gateway (#694) @jonasrmichel
- CRD source based on getting endpoints from CRD (#657) @shashidharatd
- Add filter by service type feature (#653) @Devatoria
- Add generic metrics for Source & Registry Errors (#652) @wleese
v0.5.5 - 2018-08-17
- Configure req timeout calling k8s APIs (#681) @jvassev
- Adding assume role to aws_sd provider (#676) @lb-saildrone
- Dyn: cache records per zone using zone's serial number (#675) @jvassev
- Linode provider (#674) @cliedeman
- Cloudflare Link Language Specificity (#673) @christopherhein
- Retry calls to dyn on ErrRateLimited (#671) @jvassev
- Add support to configure TTLs on DigitalOcean (#667) @andrewsomething
- Log level warning option (#664) @george-angel
- Fix usage of k8s.io/client-go package (#655) @shashidharatd
- Fix for empty target annotation (#647) @rdrgmnzs
- Fix log message for #592 when no updates in hosted zones (#634) @audip
- Add aws-evaluate-target-health flag (#628) @peterbale
- Exoscale provider (#625) @FaKod @greut
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure DNS provider (#626) @prydie
- Update DO CNAME type API request to prevent error 422 (#624) @nenadilic84
- Fix typo in cloudflare.md (#623) @derekperkins
- Infoblox-go-client was only setting timeout for http.Transport.ResponseHeaderTimeout instead of for http.Client (#615) @khrisrichardson
- Adding a flag to optionally publish hostIP instead of podIP for headless services (#597) @Arttii
v0.5.4 - 2018-06-28
- Only store endpoints with their labels in the cache (#612) @njuettner
- Read hostnames from spec.tls.hosts on Ingress object (#611) @ysoldak
- Reorder provider/aws suitable-zones tests (#608) @elordahl
- Adds TLS flags for pdns provider (#607) @jhoch-palantir
- Update RBAC for external-dns to list nodes (#600) @njuettner
- Add aws max change count flag (#596) @peterbale
- AWS provider: Properly check suitable domains (#594) @elordahl
- Annotation with upper-case hostnames block further updates (#579) @njuettner
v0.5.3 - 2018-06-15
- Print a message if no hosted zones match (aws provider) (#592) @svend
- Add support for NodePort services (#559) @grimmy
- Update azure.md to fix protocol value (#593) @JasonvanBrackel
- Add cache to limit calls to providers (#589) @jessfraz
- Add Azure MSI support (#578) @r7vme
- CoreDNS/SkyDNS provider (#253) @istalker2
v0.5.2 - 2018-05-31
- DNSimple: Make DNSimple tolerant of unknown zones (#574) @jbowes
- Cloudflare: Custom record TTL (#572) @njuettner
- AWS ServiceDiscovery: Implementation of AWS ServiceDiscovery provider (#483) @vanekjar
- Update docs to latest changes (#563) @Raffo
- New source - connector (#552) @shashidharatd
- Update AWS SDK dependency to v1.13.7 @vanekjar
v0.5.1 - 2018-05-16
- Refactor implementation of sync loop to use
(#553) @r0fls - Document how ExternalDNS gets permission to change AWS Route53 entries (#557) @hjacobs
- Fix CNAME support for the PowerDNS provider (#547) @kciredor
- Add support for hostname annotation in Ingress resource (#545) @rajatjindal
- Fix for TTLs being ignored on headless Services (#546) @danbondd
- Fix failing tests by giving linters more time to do their work (#548) @linki
- Fix misspelled flag for the OpenStack Designate provider (#542) @zentale
- Document additional RBAC rules needed to read Pods (#538) @danbondd
v0.5.0 - 2018-04-23
- Google: Correctly filter records that don't match all filters (#533) @prydie @linki
- AWS: add support for AWS Network Load Balancers (#531) @linki
- Add a flag that allows FQDN template and annotations to combine (#513) @helgi
- Fix: Use PodIP instead of HostIP for headless Services (#498) @nrobert13
- Support a comma separated list for the FQDN template (#512) @helgi
- Google Provider: Add auto-detection of Google Project when running on GCP (#492) @drzero42
- Add custom TTL support for DNSimple (#477) @jbowes
- Fix docker build and delete vendor files which were not deleted (#473) @njuettner
- DigitalOcean: DigitalOcean creates entries with host in them twice (#459) @njuettner
- Bugfix: Retrive all DNSimple response pages (#468) @jbowes
- external-dns does now provide support for multiple targets for A records. This is currently only supported by the Google Cloud DNS provider (#418) @dereulenspiegel
- Graceful handling of misconfigure password for dyn provider (#470) @jvassev
- Don't log sensitive data on start (#463) @jvassev
- Google: Improve logging to help trace misconfigurations (#388) @stealthybox
- AWS: In addition to the one best public hosted zone, records will be added to all matching private hosted zones (#356) @coreypobrien
- Every record managed by External DNS is now mapped to a kubernetes resource (service/ingress) @ideahitme
- New field is stored in TXT DNS record which reflects which kubernetes resource has acquired the DNS name
- Target of DNS record is changed only if corresponding kubernetes resource target changes
- If kubernetes resource is deleted, then another resource may acquire DNS name
- "Flapping" target issue is resolved by providing a consistent and defined mechanism for choosing a target
- New
parameter allows filtering by zone id (#422) @vboginskey - TTL annotation check for azure records (#436) @stromming
- Switch from glide to dep (#435) @bkochendorfer
v0.4.8 - 2017-11-22
- Allow filtering by source annotation via
(#354) @khrisrichardson - Add support for Headless hostPort services (#324) @Arttii
- AWS: Added change batch limiting to a maximum of 4000 Route53 updates in one API call. Changes exceeding the limit will be dropped but all related changes by hostname are preserved within the limit. (#368) @bitvector2
- Google: Support configuring TTL by annotation:
. (#389) @stealthybox - Infoblox: add option
(#378) @khrisrichardson - Inmemory: add support to specify zones for inmemory provider via command line (#366) @ffledgling
v0.4.7 - 2017-10-18
- CloudFlare: Disable proxy mode for TXT and others (#361) @dunglas
v0.4.6 - 2017-10-12
- [AWS Route53 provider] Support customization of DNS record TTL through the use of annotation
on services or ingresses (#320) @kevinjqiu - Added support for DNSimple as DNS provider (#224) @jose5918
- Added support for Infoblox as DNS provider (#349) @khrisrichardson
v0.4.5 - 2017-09-24
- Add
flag to control log verbosity and remove--debug
flag in favour of--log-level=debug
(#339) @ultimateboy - AWS: Allow filtering for private and public zones via
flag (#329) @linki - CloudFlare: Add
flag to toggle CloudFlare proxy feature (#340) @dunglas - Kops Compatibility: Isolate ALIAS type in AWS provider (#248) @sethpollack
v0.4.4 - 2017-08-17
- ExternalDNS now services of type
with the use of the--publish-internal-services
. Enabling this will now create the apprioriate A records for the given service's internal ip. @jrnt30 - Fix to have external target annotations on ingress resources replace existing endpoints instead of appending to them (#318)
v0.4.3 - 2017-08-10
- Support new
annotation for Ingress (#312) - Fix for wildcard domains in Route53 (#302)
v0.4.2 - 2017-08-03
- Fix to support multiple hostnames for Molecule Software's route53-kubernetes compatibility (#301)
v0.4.1 - 2017-07-28
- Fix incorrect order of constructor parameters (#298)
v0.4.0 - 2017-07-21
- ExternalDNS now supports three more DNS providers:
- AzureDNS @peterhuene
- CloudFlare @njuettner
- DigitalOcean @njuettner
- Fixed a bug that prevented ExternalDNS to be run on Tectonic clusters @sstarcher
- ExternalDNS is now a full replace for Molecule Software's
@iterion - The
annotation accepts now a comma separated list of hostnames and a trailing period is not required anymore. @totallyunknown - The flag
can be repeated multiple times like--domain-filter=example.com --domain-filter=company.org.
. @totallyunknown - A trailing period is not required anymore for
when AWS (or any other) provider is used. @totallyunknown - We added a FakeSource that generates random endpoints and allows to run ExternalDNS without a Kubernetes cluster (e.g. for testing providers) @ismith
- All HTTP requests to external APIs (e.g. DNS providers) generate client side metrics. @linki
- The
parameter was removed in favor of a provider independent--domain-filter
flag. @linki - All flags can now also be set via environment variables. @linki
v0.3.0 - 2017-05-08
- Changed the flags to the v0.3 semantics, the following has changed:
- The TXT registry is used by default and has an owner ID of
is disabled by default - The
flag was added and takes a string instead of a boolean - The
flag has been dropped for auto-detection - The
specifier has been replaced by a--domain-filter
that filters domains by suffix
- The TXT registry is used by default and has an owner ID of
- Improved logging output
- Generate DNS Name from template for services/ingress if annotation is missing but
is specified - Route 53, Google CloudDNS: Support creation of records in multiple hosted zones.
- Route 53: Support creation of ALIAS records when endpoint target is a ELB/ALB.
- Ownership via TXT records
- Create TXT records to mark the records managed by External DNS
- Supported for AWS Route53 and Google CloudDNS
- Configurable TXT record DNS name format
- Add support for altering the DNS record modification behavior via policies.
v0.2.0 - 2017-04-07
- Support creation of CNAME records when endpoint target is a hostname.
- Allow omitting the trailing dot in Service annotations.
- Expose basic Go metrics via Prometheus.
- Add documentation on how to setup ExternalDNS for Services on AWS.
v0.1.1 - 2017-04-03
Bug fixes:
- AWS Route 53: Do not submit request when there are no changes.
v0.1.0 - 2017-03-30 (KubeCon)
- Manage DNS records for Services with
on Google CloudDNS.