Stan Lagun authored
This commit adds ability to use TLS transport for etcd. New logic is applied when the etcd URL has https:// scheme. TLS parameters are passed in the environment variables: ETCD_CA_FILE - path to CA certificate. If not specified, then system-provided certificates are used. ETCD_CERT_FILE - client certificate ETCD_KEY_FILE - client key file - either both of none of this two must be specified ETCD_TLS_SERVER_NAME - expected CN of the certificate. Useful when URL points to a different domain from that in server certificate ETCD_TLS_INSECURE - if set to "1" (or "true" or "yes") makes client bypass server certificate validation. Also for unification with other providers and rest of connection settings, etcd URL is no longer specified in the command line, but rather in ETCD_URLS environment variable (defaults to http://localhost:2379). More than one comma-separated URL can be specified. All of the URLs must start with either http:// or https:// Also, now it possible to communicate with etcd through proxy specified in standard environment variables